Pylint report from report.jinja2


9.28 / 10


Module drever.base_class (src/drever/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
135 19 warning isinstance-second-argument-not-valid-type W1116 Drever.set_input_data
Second argument of isinstance is not a type
146 19 warning isinstance-second-argument-not-valid-type W1116 Drever.get_input_data
Second argument of isinstance is not a type
162 19 warning isinstance-second-argument-not-valid-type W1116 Drever._set_output_data
Second argument of isinstance is not a type
173 19 warning isinstance-second-argument-not-valid-type W1116 Drever.get_output_data
Second argument of isinstance is not a type
228 31 warning unused-argument W0613 Drever.vunit_post_check
Unused argument 'output_path'
228 4 refactor no-self-use R0201 Drever.vunit_post_check
Method could be a function

Module drever.data_handlers.image (src/drever/data_handlers/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
80 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 ImageData.check_params
Missing function or method docstring
102 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 ImageData.set_params
Missing function or method docstring
110 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 ImageData.extract_params
Missing function or method docstring
159 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 ImageData.get_np_shape
Missing function or method docstring
166 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 ImageData.check_data
Missing function or method docstring
186 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 ImageData.init_with_data
Missing function or method docstring
203 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 ImageData.init_with_random
Missing function or method docstring
219 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 ImageData.get_image_data
Missing function or method docstring
378 0 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 compare_image
Missing function or method docstring
408 0 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 assert_image_equal
Missing function or method docstring

Module (src/drever/data_handlers/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
14 0 convention invalid-name C0103
Class name "DATA_TYPE" doesn't conform to PascalCase naming style
73 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 StreamData.get_np_shape
Missing function or method docstring
79 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 StreamData.get_stream_data
Missing function or method docstring
82 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 StreamData.check_params
Missing function or method docstring
108 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 StreamData.set_params
Missing function or method docstring
116 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 StreamData.extract_params
Missing function or method docstring
155 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 StreamData.check_data
Missing function or method docstring
175 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 StreamData.init_with_data
Missing function or method docstring
188 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 StreamData.init_with_random
Missing function or method docstring
332 0 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 compare_stream
Missing function or method docstring
361 0 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 assert_stream_equal
Missing function or method docstring

Module tests.data_handlers.test_image_data (src/tests/data_handlers/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
33 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_set_params
Missing function or method docstring
60 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_extract_params
Missing function or method docstring
148 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_check_data
Missing function or method docstring
194 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_check_params
Missing function or method docstring
236 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_init_with_data
Missing function or method docstring
246 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_init_with_random
Missing function or method docstring
260 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_equal_method
Missing function or method docstring
343 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_set_get_item
Missing function or method docstring
373 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_save_load
Missing function or method docstring
498 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_image_assertions
Missing function or method docstring

Module tests.data_handlers.test_stream_data (src/tests/data_handlers/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files
        self.assertIn("'channels': 3", out_parts[4])

        del out_parts[4]

            "*************************************************\n" +
            "Data Check Error\n" +
            "*************************************************\n" +
            "- Extracted Parameters:\n"
            "- Set Parameters:\n" +
            "None\n" +

            "check_data should return False because no params were set!"

1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
    Testing class for ImageData class

    tmp_dir = ""

    def setUpClass(cls):

        # Create temporary directory for testdata files if not jet available
        cls.tmp_dir = os.path.join(drever.__path__[0], "../../tmp")
        if not os.path.exists(cls.tmp_dir):  # pragma: no cover
            print("tmp directory created: " + cls.tmp_dir)

    def test_set_params(self):

        set_of_valid_params = [
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files
class Test(unittest.TestCase):

    tmp_dir = ""

    def setUpClass(cls):

        # Create temporary directory for testdata files if not jet available
        cls.tmp_dir = os.path.join(drever.__path__[0], "../../tmp")
        if not os.path.exists(cls.tmp_dir):  # pragma: no cover
            print("tmp directory created: " + cls.tmp_dir)

    def test_default_video_filter(self):

        set_of_valid_params = [
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files


                    "Data missmatch!"

    def test_vector_dump(self):
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files
        if extracted_params != self.params:
            print("Data Check Error")
            print("- Extracted Parameters:")
            print("- Set Parameters:")
            return False

        return True
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files

                    "Data missmatch!"

        # Equality not given due missmatching image params
        for params in set_of_valid_params:
            with self.subTest(params=params):
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files

                    "Data missmatch!"

        # Equality not given due missmatching image data
        for params in set_of_valid_params:
            with self.subTest(params=params):
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files

        for params in set_of_failing_params:
            with self.subTest(params=params):
                with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):

    def test_extract_params(self):

        set_of_tests = [
                'params': {
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files
                with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError):
                    uut_b.load(filename + ".tmp")

                # Add empty lines to see if bypassing is working
                with open(filename, 'r') as uut_a_file:
                    origin_content =
                with open(filename, 'w') as uut_a_file:
                    uut_a_file.write("    \n")
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files
                return False

        return True

    def set_params(self, params):

        if params is None:
            self.params = None
        elif self.check_params(params, True):
            self.params = params

1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files
    def test_save_load(self):

        def add_empty_line(filename):
            with open(filename, 'r') as tmp_file:
                origin_content =
            with open(filename, 'w') as tmp_file:
                tmp_file.write("    \n")
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files

                # unsupported types must return NotImplemented flag
                    uut_a.__eq__("Strings aren't objs from ImageData class."),
                    "Type missmatch!"

1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 4 files
    tmp_dir = ""

    def setUpClass(cls):

        # Create temporary directory for testdata files if not jet available
        cls.tmp_dir = os.path.join(drever.__path__[0], "../../tmp")
        if not os.path.exists(cls.tmp_dir):  # pragma: no cover
            print("tmp directory created: " + cls.tmp_dir)
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files

    # Overwrite this dictionary with your default Drever algorithm parameters.

    def run(self):

    def dump_vectors(cls, path, vectors):, False)
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files
                    "Params missmatch!"

        # Equality not given due missmatching class type
        for params in set_of_valid_params:
            with self.subTest(params=params):
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files
                if os.path.exists(filename):  # pragma: no cover


                # Saving again must raise an error
                with self.assertRaises(FileExistsError):
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files
        for test in set_of_tests:
            with self.subTest(test=test):
                    uut.check_params(test["params"], False),
                    "check_params result missmatch!"
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files
                "params": {
                    "width":    20,
                    "height":   10,
                    "bitdepth": 16,
                    "channels":  3
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files
                "params": {
                    "width":    20,
                    "height":   10,
                    "bitdepth": 10,
                    "channels":  2
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files
        ppm_files = [
                "params": {
                    "width":    20,
                    "height":   10,
                    "bitdepth":  8,
                    "channels":  1
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files

                        "Data Missmatch"
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files
    if result["num_errors"] < 0:
        total_msg = "Image Parameter Missmatch!\n"
        total_msg += msg
        assert result["num_errors"] == 0, total_msg
    elif result["num_errors"] > 0:
        total_msg = "Image Data Missmatch!\n"
        total_msg += msg
        assert result["num_errors"] == 0, total_msg
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files
            elif isinstance(obj["obj"], np.ndarray):
                obj["data"] = obj["obj"]
                return NotImplemented

        if not np.array_equal(objs[0]["data"], objs[1]["data"]):
            return False
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files
            with self.subTest(extracted=extracted, expected=test['expected']):
                    'Extracted params missmatch!'
1 0 refactor duplicate-code R0801
Similar lines in 2 files
        txt_files = [
                "params": {
                    "size":       10,
                    "data_width":  8,
                    "channels":    1
34 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_set_params
Missing function or method docstring
59 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_extract_params
Missing function or method docstring
171 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_check_params
Missing function or method docstring
209 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_check_data
Missing function or method docstring
254 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_init_with_data
Missing function or method docstring
261 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_init_with_random
Missing function or method docstring
288 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_equal_method
Missing function or method docstring
370 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_set_get_item
Missing function or method docstring
392 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_save_load
Missing function or method docstring
472 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_stream_assertions
Missing function or method docstring

Module tests.test_stream_filter (src/tests/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
15 0 convention missing-class-docstring C0115 Test
Missing class docstring
28 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_default_video_filter
Missing function or method docstring
52 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_vector_dump
Missing function or method docstring

Module tests.test_video_filter (src/tests/

Line Col. Type Symbol ID Obj Message
15 0 convention missing-class-docstring C0115 Test
Missing class docstring
28 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_default_video_filter
Missing function or method docstring
52 4 convention missing-function-docstring C0116 Test.test_vector_dump
Missing function or method docstring


Count per types

Name Count
warning 5
refactor 26
convention 47

Count per messages

Name Count
isinstance-second-argument-not-valid-type 4
unused-argument 1
no-self-use 1
invalid-name 1
missing-function-docstring 44
missing-class-docstring 2
duplicate-code 25

Count per modules

Name Count
drever.base_class 6 11
drever.data_handlers.image 10
tests.test_stream_filter 3
tests.test_video_filter 3
tests.data_handlers.test_image_data 10
tests.data_handlers.test_stream_data 35

Count per path

Name Count
src/drever/ 6
src/drever/data_handlers/ 11
src/drever/data_handlers/ 10
src/tests/ 3
src/tests/ 3
src/tests/data_handlers/ 10
src/tests/data_handlers/ 35